Huwebes, Hulyo 18, 2013

Blogpost : 5 Being Friendzoned

Who knows Friendzone? Friendzone is a situation that you are inlove with your friend but your friend is inlove with another. It's hard and painful feeling if you know what i mean. This Friendzone is a hard situation, you don't know what will you do and what will you say to your friend. You will keep your feelings for her/him . It's hard to express the feeling of a person in a situation of "Friendzone" because you don't have any choice, your choice is only to keep your feelings to have no conflict with your friend and her love ones.

Many people experience this called "Friendzone." It's not bad but its to painful in heart even if you are only a friend, you will have a feeling "Jealous" to the people who your friend is inlove. I've read an article written by Alison Meyer Entitled : "A Term Used by Guys who are Pissed at Not Getting a Laid." which I found in

Base on article, a woman who experience a so called "Friendzoned" is depressed. This relation is like a Single relationship because one person is only dependent to the person they loved. Men have more expectation to a relationship than girls because many men is in this situation but it depends if girls is falling in love to men.

Being friendzone is like lacking of personal emotion with two individual people that only friend. When you experience this situation being "Friendzoned", you will be depressed and be embarrassed to your self. You will think that you are a moron or an idiot to fail to have a girl friend. Escaping to the situation is not a solution because even if you moved on your not able to forget the things or feeling for your love ones.

I conclude that being friendzone is a painful thing, but accept it you cannot do anything to get the girl that you want. Wait for the person that is meant for you God reserve it for every people don't be haste because it can bring you to a wrong person.

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