Huwebes, Hulyo 25, 2013

Blogpost : 6 Few or Many Friends?

There are many characteristics of friendship, it depends on a person that you interact with. If you are comfortable to that person, you can be easily be friends because you have the same attitudes or likes. Then, if you have less friends but they are true to you, because sometimes there a friends that are using you or even backstab you when you are not around. There are Good Friends and Bad Friends, of course you will be the one who will choose the friends that you want to be part of your life.

I've read an article written by Dr. Bill Denton Entitled : "Friends and Friendship" which i found in This article explained what are the characteristics of friendship.

You can always tell a real friend : when you've made fool of yourself, he doesn't feel you've than a permanent job.(laurence peter)

Many people experience of having few friends, because they are choosing the right friend that they will interact with them. Having a few friends doesn't mean that you are a loner. But the disadvantage of this is you have a limit of friends that you will talk to, they are not there always but the advantage of this is you've chosen the true friend. Searching for a true friend is not easy, but God provided a true friend for each of us that you can lean on and count on him.

Having a many friends is easy because many people want's to have a friend. Is there someone who didn't want to have friends? Of course none because friend is that one you can talk to if you have a big problem or even if its a little problem, they can help you to solve that problem. They will not left you alone if you are down. Life is full of relationship like friendship. If you don't have a friendship, you don't have a friend that you can rely on.

Base on the article, Friendship is a blessing to all of us because God is the one who provides a friend to all of us. Friends that will motivate us to be a good person and having a memorable experience with friends you have. God created the world with challenges that can make us stronger. Together with friends you will have a true relationship called "Friendship." Don't be afraid to make friends with other people, there's is no bad things that will happen if you make friends with them. You will be a better person because of them, you can learn many things with them. Just be yourself and have a relation ship called "Friendship."

Huwebes, Hulyo 18, 2013

Blogpost : 5 Being Friendzoned

Who knows Friendzone? Friendzone is a situation that you are inlove with your friend but your friend is inlove with another. It's hard and painful feeling if you know what i mean. This Friendzone is a hard situation, you don't know what will you do and what will you say to your friend. You will keep your feelings for her/him . It's hard to express the feeling of a person in a situation of "Friendzone" because you don't have any choice, your choice is only to keep your feelings to have no conflict with your friend and her love ones.

Many people experience this called "Friendzone." It's not bad but its to painful in heart even if you are only a friend, you will have a feeling "Jealous" to the people who your friend is inlove. I've read an article written by Alison Meyer Entitled : "A Term Used by Guys who are Pissed at Not Getting a Laid." which I found in

Base on article, a woman who experience a so called "Friendzoned" is depressed. This relation is like a Single relationship because one person is only dependent to the person they loved. Men have more expectation to a relationship than girls because many men is in this situation but it depends if girls is falling in love to men.

Being friendzone is like lacking of personal emotion with two individual people that only friend. When you experience this situation being "Friendzoned", you will be depressed and be embarrassed to your self. You will think that you are a moron or an idiot to fail to have a girl friend. Escaping to the situation is not a solution because even if you moved on your not able to forget the things or feeling for your love ones.

I conclude that being friendzone is a painful thing, but accept it you cannot do anything to get the girl that you want. Wait for the person that is meant for you God reserve it for every people don't be haste because it can bring you to a wrong person.

Blogpost : 4 Looking for Friends

You can find friends by deciding who will be your friend. It's hard to decide but its rarely some people have the attitudes that you want to a friend such as a good friend, concern friend and many more. 

There are many different friendship base on article that I've read written by Mike Ugulini Entitled : "The Many Facet of Friendship" which found in

You can choose your friends based on their attitudes or interest, because if you are not simillar attitudes you will not be compatible. If you choose a friend, choose the best and the one who will help you no matter what happen to you. These articles have a different categories.

Traditional Friendship is a large group of friends that you have like close friend but not all your friend is close friend because there are some people who didn't match up to your attitudes but the people called "close friend" is the friend who join you to any trip just like watching movie, playing different games to be more enjoyable to all of your friends.

Colleagues it's like join a work or a organization to have many friends to a society. This  organizations is like joining a group to learn something about relationship. It's like Collect friends then Select friends. 

Acquaintances is like your not know much about the person and you have mutual friends. They are talking to each other but it's not like "close friend". They are like a strangers stage that they meet  for a short time, they talk not much because its like a first time. It's like "Knowing Each Other Stage."

Online Friendship is more common than others because many people have a social networking site that can find a friend like facebook. In Online Friendship It's like one-on-one conversation because your in chat. This  Online Friendship is modernized and more easy than others.

Blogpost : 3 Importance of a Friend

How will you know that the person that you've been talked to is the friend called "True Friend". For me its simple, If you feel comfortable when you are talking to him/her. If you want to share many thing about you. That's not hard to find people that you can trust, because it's will be deliberately.

I've read an article written by Amy Sherman Entitled : "The Science of Friendship" which i found in

"Base on what I read to the article that i found. These people are blessed to have a friend that are priceless, as they are confidants, and strongest allies."

These articles talks about a true friend, that you cannot find such as good person and perfect friend. Friend are not like other things that if your done using them, you can leave it or even throw them. You learn together, cherish each other, and love each other. True friend can be describe by attitudes and physical like lovable, unique, brilliant, funny, and many more.

Who do you think has more friends? Girls or Boys? For me, It's boy. Because boys have more people that interact with others, boys are not picky, boys are simple to people they interact, just a simple convo with other people.

Friends are like sister/brother, because they show there love, concern and they want to be memorable all the things that you do, especially the conversation between two friends. You know, you are lucky to have a friend that will cherish you, protect you and admire you, because it's rarely to have a friend like that. They are few people who have a heart that will love you more than they love themselves.

Blogpost : 2 How Social Network Affect the Friendship

In social networking sites like facebook is the largest communication that people have, just chat them, add them and then you can have a rapport to each other that can bring to relationship called "Friend". 

Nowadays, many people are using facebook to contact or talk even if they are apart to each other. This social networking site can help people to communicate easily.

I've read an article written by Jenny Hope Entitled: "Why facebook friends don't count:People are more happier and laugh 50% more when talking face-to-face" which I found in

Is face-to-face more reliable than chatting, texting, and video call? For me, I want face-to-face because you can feel if they are sincere to talk to you, you can talk to each other comfortably.

"This is a qoute that is found in the article "The studies suggest that quality not quantity of communication is more important for keeping friends for life" 

Face-to-face is more important because you can feel your conversation and you can connect with each other more easily. They can be more interaction between two individual people who talk to each other, because if you just chat theirs no feelings rapport to people who talk to.
If there's a good things about social network then there's a bad thing. For me the bad things happening in social network that affect the friendship is the rudeness of people, they can fight with people in the social networking sites. They bash each other that can cause rage in social network. It's bad for people because that's not the reason why there is a social network, it's created for people to communicate to each other well and not to bash somebody.

I better conclude that social network help us to communicate to others more easily but social network is not for bashing somebody, fight somebody but to be communicate as a group. To have a relationship called "FRIENDSHIP".

Lunes, Hulyo 1, 2013

Blogpost : 1 Friendship

                  Many people say that friends are the one who will comfort you, cherish you and love you like their brother/sister, person whose not afraid to scold you when you've done something wrong and someone that will give advice when you are bothered by something and someone you can rely on. Friends are important to our life.

When your together, you wouldn't ask for anything and you are comfortable all the time. They can be a "knight and shining armor" if you are down, she/he will comfort you if you are sad or have problems with family, love and etc. They can be the clown in your life because friends can make you smile even if you are down, they are always there if you need something or if you want  to talk to.

 Sometimes Friend can be your best enemy but at least you will be always be friends in your heart and soul that can't be erase in your mind and heart. I've only had few a so-called friends in my entire life, usually one best friend.

What exactly friendship to us ? Is this the people who encourage us to be good ? There are many people have friend, you can have friends when two individual people interact with each other and they feel comfortable when they are together.

I've read an article written by Saberi Roy Entitled: "The Psychology of Friendship" which i found in

"These article explain yet friendship like love depends on the single factor of attraction and in this case, it is more mental and emotional rather that physical attraction."

The attraction of two individual people depends on how they meet each other. There are way's how to meet friends. Base on the article that I've read, you can meet friends inside a School. You can choose a friend by unconsciously, because your mind can tell if that person can be your friend. The same with love, they choose a lover by unconsciously, they don't love a person by seeing it. They feel it, it's accidentally.

The second attraction, Attraction by a personality, physical appearance, mannerism, and attitudes that a person have. For example you meet a person, you've been attract to him/her because of her physical appearance. It's involuntary to have a attraction by people you've meet in a short time.

Attraction of Friends and Love, They have the same because when you are attracted to a person it's like you have a feeling "Like at First sight, and for the love, "Love at First Sight".

If you are a fan of social network like facebook, twitter, and etc. You can meet random people by just adding or twitting them. You can have a connection of person who you chat, for example you are asking many question and the random person answered you, you have a rapport to each other that can help to build a friendship.